Thursday 16 April 2015

Self Evaluation: "Waking Up" Animation

This self evaluation is on my "waking up" animation which is the longest animated scenario I've created this semester and one of the most complex, despite its slower pace and less action packed narrative.

This self evaluation, like the others, will look at the following aims: pacing, story/character and animation quality.

The pacing in this animation was intentionally slow, but the actions contained in the scenario are played out at with appropriate timing. I've avoided a lot of the 'floatiness' in my older animations by again playing a lot with the graph editor.
When the character attempts to hit the snooze button his alarm clock, there are both good and bad points to make on the timing. I think the upper arm action is good but the wrist movement can feel a little "out of time" with the rest of the arm movement. The character is supposed to be tired so it makes less sense that the wrist would be moving independently "stronger" than it should've been.

The character in this scenario comes across quite strong, as does the narrative. It's something that almost everyone can relate with as we've all been in that situation (some of us daily).

I mentioned in an earlier post about the acting principle "A Scene is a Negotiation". I think considering this and thinking about this principle has really improved the storytelling in my animation. I also think having the longer length of time has allowed me to explore more actions and therefore improved the narrative and characterisation.

A lot of the actions are much more subtle in this scene: the yawn, the attempt to wake up, the drowsy head movements. The subtly has allowed for the scene to feel more natural and realistic,

The animation quality overall is good, very good in parts, average in others. Just like my "Sitting Up" animation, I've struggled to get the "pushing" force perfect. I have managed to animate a better attempt but I couldn't find the best pose to get the best "push" out of it. His arms were a little short compared to his body here so he only has a small push, even with the large bend in his body. The IK also snaps the elbow a little bit which is unintended but a lot less noticeable than in my animations from last semester.

Overall I'm very happy with this animation I'm most proud to show this one to others. I worry that its length will be looked badly upon in grading and that my next animation may not live up to this one. I do have only a couple of weeks left and I'm already struggling with time as it is, so I'll be starting on my next (and final) animation very soon.

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