Friday 14 November 2014

Industry Awareness - Continued

From the first week of presentations it became clear to me that a lot of classmates were picking companies who they really had a passion for. Although I admire Studio Distract's work their content never really appealed to me as much as I'd liked. Again, although I have a passion for the work of Pixar and Dreamworks, I didn't particularly want to research them again so I kept exploring other smaller companies.

I decided to change my own presentation to focus on another company called StudioAKA, an animation company based in London. They are relatively small and often work with directors who approach them with ideas, they focus on the journey of the project rather than on the end goal.

They have done work in the advertising industry but have also created their own short films. One project of theirs I admired was 'Lost and Found', based on the children's picture book by Oliver Jeffers. The animation style is soft and emotive, which reflects the tone of the book.

For the section on job requirements and skills I kept the same criteria as on my last presentation which can be viewed previously on this blog.

View my presentation on Dropbox:

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